söndag 8 januari 2012

Little Bunting video

The Little Bunting yesterday got caught on video as well.

lördag 7 januari 2012

Sweden´s 2:nd Dusky Thrush

Only a little more than a month ago since Sweden saw it´s first Dusky Thrush, the 2:nd is found. check this video from yesterday!

Little Bunting

The Little Bunting in on a feeding site Gävle appeared close an nice today.

torsdag 5 januari 2012

3 Golden Eagles on video

5 different Golden Eagles have been seen in the area the last month and these 3 individuals on this video are from last week and taken from our new photo hide. Drop me a mail (daniel@birdsafarisweden.com) if you want to book it. The ringed Eagle is 8 years old and was ringed as a nestling in a clutch of 2 up in northern Sweden near bode, june 2003. Interestingly it had never been reported anywhere before now.